
A World Class Environmental Learning Center for Residents and Visitors

At Walking Mountains Science Center we provide locals and visitors from pre-k to gray with opportunities to explore nature, gain a scientific understanding, and learn about the many wonders of our mountain environment through natural science and sustainability programs.

We envision a future where everyone in the community understands the science of nature and is inspired to take action as an environmental steward.

Come explore your curious nature with us at the Avon Tang Campus, Nature Discovery Center on Vail Mountain or Vail Nature Center!

The Latest

  • From Home to Office: How to Bring Eco-Friendly Habits to Work
    Many of us here in Eagle County have likely implemented sustainability practices into our homes, such as recycling or composting, but how often have you thought about incorporating some of these home habits into your workplace? Given that Eagle County is a rural community, it’s likely that a commute of... Read more
    Published on: 2024-09-16
  • The Mystery of Wildfires and the Burn Morel Mushroom
    Wildfires have raged rampant in our beautiful state for hundreds of millions of years throughout different types of landscapes. Everyone and everything that lives here must find ways to survive and adapt to these environmental disasters. We’ve been fortunate in Eagle County this year to have consistent rainfall, keeping our... Read more
    Published on: 2024-09-09
  • Worms of Colorado: The Good, the Bad and the Strange
      Going about our daily lives, many of us tend not to give worms any thought. They’re wiggly, strange, typically underground and only likely make in-person appearances when we’re gardening or after a heavy rain. However, worms have rich worlds of their own and can be an incredibly useful resource–as... Read more
    Published on: 2024-09-03